FE Exam Calgary, FE EXAM, APEGA FE Exam Preparation Course in Calgary | Edmonton | Winnipeg | CBT FE Review | Get your P.Eng | Registrations Open

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FE Exam Preparation Course in Calgary | Edmonton | Winnipeg | CBT FE Review | Get your P.Eng | Registrations Open

FE Exam Preparation course in Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg - Professional Development Course to take P.Eng or EIT with APEGA, Alberta

The CBT@FE Review Centre was established in Canada to assist APEGA Examinee candidates preparing to take the Computer Based Test (CBT) - Fundamental of Engineering (FE) Exam by NCEES for membership with The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta or The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba (APEGM) or The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of British Columbia (EGBC) or Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) and those working towards a United States Engineering License.

Successfully Passed my other discipline exam on 19th Feb 2020

After 15 years of graduation, its very tough and read for hours, CBT review course made me sit at one place for 4 to 6hrs every week during the review classes, that's helped a lot to focus on the subjects to revise the old technical memories.

I was very weak in Other disciplines such as economics, electrical engineering & Mathematics, systematic attending classes made me to acquire knowledge on the specified subjects in deep, example how to read the FE manual and how to operate the calculator is the main key elements in solving problems within 3 minutes.

Every week Saturday morning attending CBT review class for more than 3months made me study continuously to focus on subjects and the technical points highlighted during the course was very useful during the exams to solve in time.

Before attending CBT, I was preparing self at home for more than 6months, but I could not able to complete in time. After started attending CBT classes and home work provided by course material made me to get ready for the exams within 3 months with full confidence.

Thanks a lot Pankaj for your dedicated efforts.

Name: Guruprasad Venkateshvaralu
Title: QA-Specialist
Company: CNRL

Copyright: CBT@FE, 2015  http://www.cbt-fereviewcentre.com, +1-403-615-8236, +1-403-668-9971, Email: info@cbt-fereviewcentre.com. CBT@FE is part of "BICS Inc., Canada".  All Rights Reserved.